jobs after graduation in kolkata


December 15, 2021 Imagic


Are you looking for a professional career after graduation ? Short term professional course to get a job in Kolkata ? Or just need Freelance work to earn from home. Here are some career suggestions after graduation for you.


Graphic design, also known as communication design, is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. The form of the communication can be physical or virtual, and may include images, words or graphic forms. The main software which we learn in Graphic Designing Course are Photoshop, Corel Draw and Illustrator. There are another software which is called In Design is used for DTP & Lightroom. Anybody can join and start a career in Kolkata as a Graphic designer just in 6 months. Very good in demand.  7 to 10 thousand per month starting salary. To  know more Click Here

Graphic Design Job Opportunities :-

Jobs which we get after doing Graphic Designing Course are –

  • Print Media
  • Web Designing Companies
  • Digital Marketing
  • Logo Designer
  • Background Artist as Illustrator
  • Studios
  • Corporate Graphic Designer
  • E-commerce Industries

FCP (Final Cut Pro) is a professional video editing software which runs only in Apple Mac. All types of HD quality editing are done here. Now- a- days all Production Houses, News Channel, Mega Serials, Movies use FCP.  Anybody can join and start a career in Kolkata as a FCP video editor just in 4 months. Very good in demand.  6 to 10 thousand per month starting salary . To  know more Click Here

FCP Job Opportunities :-

 Jobs which we get after knowing FCP ( Final Cut Pro ) are

  • TV Channel
  • Production Houses
  • Wedding
  • Corporate Films
  • Ads Film Makings
  • Animation Film Editing

2D Animation creates movement in a two- dimensional artistic space. It focuses on creating characters, storyboards, and backgrounds in two- dimensional environments. 2D Animation is the oldest form of commercial animation. Few 2D Animation movies are The Lion King, Alice in Wonderland, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, The Little Mermaid etc. Also few cartoons like Duck Tails, The jungle Book, Tom and Jerry which are most popular are 2D Animation cartoons. Even in Kolkata also 2D Animation is very popular. Few Bengali 2D Animated cartoons are Batul The Great, Hadabhoda, Thakurmar Jhuli, Nonte Phonte etc. Also TV channels regularly show some 2D Animations. If you love drawing or painting then it will be your right choice. Very good job demand. You could be a 2D Animator, Background artist, compositor just in 4 months. Want to learn Click Here

2D Animation Job Opportunities:-

After learning 2D Animation you can be –

  • Digital Background Artist
  • Character Designing Artist
  • Story Board Artist
  • 2D Animator
  • 2D Compositor

What is Website Design? It means planning, creation and updating of websites. It also involves information architecture, website structure, user interface, navigation ergonomics, website layout, colors, contrasts, fonts and imagery (photography) as well as icons design. Very much in demand. Good choice for students from science or mathematics background. To  know more Click Here

Here we have separated the course in 5 modules.

you will get to know about the idea of Static Website design and uploading in Web Design Course.  Here you will get to know how in Photoshop a web page design has been made and then we put it into HTML here you will learn about HTML coding and then how it will put into server.

In Advance web Design Course you will get to know CSS3, HTML5, Seo concept etc. You can create an advance website design.

In next module student will learn how to create a responsive website design. They will learn Responsive design, Bootstrap, J Query etc. Otherwise the website will not open in mobile or Tab or other devices properly.

In last two modules you will learn how to make a Dynamic Website using Word-press PHP CMS. Here you will get to know Back-end development. Also learn woo-commerce, MySql database etc.

Job Opportunities :-

After learning  Web Designing & Development you can be

  • Website Designer
  • Website Developer
  • PHP Word press developer
  • Front end or back end developer
Digital Marketing :

One of most demanding career nowadays. You will learn SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Facebook promotion, Email marketing etc. Small to big business needs digital marketing experts. Huge job & freelancing opportunities are there. To know more click here

Apart from there are many more job oriented courses to choose from. Click Here  to know more.

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